En ny standard indenfor pels produktion “Swakara Production Standard” er udviklet af Baltic Academy i samarbejde med standardejer International Fur Federation (IFF). Siden 1907 har produktionen af Swakara pelse været en stor del af Namibia’s landbrugsøkonomi.

Baltic Academy har været en vigtig del af udviklingen fra idéfasen til udgivelsen af den færdige standard ultimo juni 2023. Opgaven fra IFF var at skabe en robust protokol for produktionen af Swakara pelse, baseret på den allerede eksisterende Code of Practice fra Swakara Boardet og sikre, at denne produktion imødekommer kravene i IFF’s Furmark system med hensyn til dyrevelfærd, bæredygtighed og sporbarhed.

Til projektet har Baltic Academy bidraget med følgende:

  • Indsamlet viden fra eksperter indenfor og producenter af Swakara pelse.
  • Skrive standarden incl. alle tilhørende dokumenter (tjekliste, sanktionsliste og QMS-tjekliste)
  • Været forbindelsesled og tovholder mellem eksperter, producenter og kunden (IFF).

Den nye Swakara standard fokuserer på dyrevelfærden hos lammene og stiller yderligere krav til denne efter standardejers ønske.

Ønsker du at vide mere om processen og udviklingen af denne eller din egen standard, så er du meget velkommen til at kontakte projektleder Louise Ring på mail: lmr@balticcontrol.com



A new fur standard “Swakara Production Standard” has been developed by Baltic Academy in cooperation with the standard’s owner the International Fur Federation (IFF). Since 1907, the production of Swakara pelts has been an important contributor to Namibia’s agricultural economy.

Baltic Academy has been an essential part of the development process, from the idea phase to the publication of the finished standard in late June 2023. The request from IFF was to create a robust protocol for the production of Swakara pelts, based on the pre-existing Code of Practice by the Swakara Board, to ensure that the production met the requirements of IFF’s Furmark system with regards to animal welfare, sustainability and traceability.

During the project, Baltic Academy has contributed by:

  • Collecting knowledge from experts and producers of Swakara pelts.
  • Writing the standard and its associated documents (checklist, sanctions list and QMS checklist).
  • Being the connection between experts, producers and the customer (IFF).

The new Swakara standard focuses on the welfare of the lambs and sets additional requirements per request of the standard owner.

If you would like to know more about the process and development of this or your own standard, please do not hesitate to contact Project Coordinator Louise Ring at lmr@balticcontrol.com

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